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Tech Talk With David Breede

Tech Talk With David Breede

We invite you to join us for a virtual chat with AI Futures, featuring David Breede!

Mr. David M. Breede is the Program Executive Officer (PEO) for Tactical Information Systems (TIS) at the HQ US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), MacDill AFB, FL. He is responsible for synchronizing the development, testing, acquisition, and fielding of SOF-Peculiar systems for technical collection, intelligence support, tactical communications, and sensitive site exploitation. Mr. Breede directs a cross functional team of professionals to execute a portfolio of military information systems acquisition and rapid capability insertion research and development program.

Mr. Breede is a career acquisition and engineering professional and a graduate of the National Defense University’s (NDU) Eisenhower School and Defense Acquisition University’s Program Manager’s Course. Mr. Breede has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering Science and Mechanics from Virginia Tech, a Master of Science degree in Engineering Management from Southern Methodist University, and a Master of Science degree in National Resource Strategy from NDU

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